يقدم قسم الجلديه و التناسليه وطب الذكوره المعلومات العلميه المناسبه للدراسه لطلبه الفرقه الثالثه والخامسه

Undergrad Courses
Curriculum of Dermatology, Andrology& STDs
Target student: The sixth year student in the Faculty of Medicine.Objectives
To define common diseases in skin, andrology & STDs.
- To define the pathogenesis of each disease & to interpret its clinical picture. The space alloted to any subject should be based on its incidence in general practice. Rare diseases are included when: harm would befall the patients if the diagnosis was missed or because they illustrate vividly a biological principle.
- To distinguish the disease from similar conditions i.e., differential diagnosis.
Affective :
To be honest in his work.
- To keep secrets of his patients.
- To do his best for the seek of the patient.
- Assurance of the patient.
Teaching strategy :
- Lectures : 30 hours (19hours Derm,.+11 hours Andrology).
Clinical sessions: 12 hours / week for 4 weeks.
Evaluation :
Clinical examination at the end of clinical sessions.
- At the end of the year, evaluation is done by: MCQ.Oral examination. Course:
Dermatology (19 hours)
Structure and function of the skin.Principles of diagnosis ( The approach to the skin patient).Congenital anomalies & Naevi (Ichthyosis, Epidermolysis bullosa, xeroderma pigmentosa)Infectious skin Diseases:
Bacterial skin infections. Mycobacterial infections (TB., Leprosy). Viral skin infections. Fungal skin infection. Skin Infestations
Eczema & allergic dermatoses:
Eczema Urticaria Drug eruptions Erythema multiforme Erythema nodosum.
Scaly erythematous dermatoses
Psoriasis . Lichen planus Pityriasis rubra pilaris Lupus erythematous.

Diseases of skin appendages
Acne vulgaris
- Seborrheic dermatitis
- Alopecia
- Miliaria
Disordders of pigmentationBullous diseases (Pemphigus, dermatitis herptiform).Skin reaction to infection & internal disease.Dermatologic therapy:
-Topical therapy (bases, Antiseptic, Antibiotic, Antipruntic, Corticosterords)
Systemic therapy (Antihisiamines, Corticosterords).Sexually transmitted diseases:
- Urethritis
- Chancroid, Granuloma inguinale, Lymphogranuloma venereum
- The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
The mechanism of erection & ejaculation.Sexual disorders.Physiology of the male reproductive systemMale infertility.Special problems of andrology (Cryptorchidism-Varicocale-Orchitis-Epididymitis).


Book Andrology 

Postgrad Courses


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