المؤتمر السنوى لقسم الطب الشرعي والسموم الاكلينيكية

Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University proudly announced its 6th conference FMCT 2023

Forensic and Toxicological Aspects of Climate and Environmental Changes

5th September, 2023

Under Patronage of

Dean of Mansoura Faculty of Medicine

Prof/Ashraf Mamdouh Shoma

The Conference Chairman

Prof/ Amal Abdel Salam El-Bakary

Head of Forensic Medicine & Clinical Toxicology Department


Deadline for abstract submission: 10/8/2023

Under the following tracks:

Forensic Aspects of Climate Changes

Forensic Aspects of Environmental Changes

Toxicological Aspects of Climate Changes

Toxicological Aspects of Environmental Changes

Articles presented in the conference (oral or poster) will be published in Mansoura Journal of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Toxicology (MJFMCT) in January 2024 (ISSN:1110-5437) (Online ISSN: 2682-3217) with 50% discount.


  1. Conference attendance: 800 (LE(, 100 (USD)
  2. Accreditation of Toxicology labs workshop (4/9/2023): 800 (LE).

Vodafone Cash to: 

(The deposit recipient has to be sent to email of the conference)

Contact information:

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mobile: 01063537155, 01010816111