Mansoura opening of the International Conference for the eyes Ophthalmology Center

Events "Mansoura International Conference for the eyes" opened during on 19 and 20 Jan. Ophthalmology Center at Mansoura University under the auspices of Prof. Mohammed Hassan Kenawy President of Mansoura University and Prof. Ashraf Sweilem Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research
Conference was held under the chairmanship of Prof. Just Allaih Head of Ophthalmology Department of Medicine, Mansoura, and Prof. Tharwat kissed professor of Ophthalmology Conference Coordinator, Prof. Tarek Mohsen Director of Ophthalmology Center Conference decision.
 Conference was attended by Prof. Dr. / Ashraf Sweilem Vice President of Mansoura University for Graduate Studies and Seaot- D / Saeed Abdel Hady Dean of Medicine, Mansoura in addition to the 300 professor and specialist in ophthalmology from various Egyptian and international universities and medical academies military in addition to the Ministry of Health doctors.
And display D / Walid Abu Samra, deputy director of the Center for Medicine and eye surgery in Mansoura importance of the conference to see the new in the field of ophthalmology by taking advantage of the latest scientific research findings as well as to exchange experiences with all the specialists in this field.
 The themes of the conference in the new in the discussion of each of: cataract surgeries and blue - retinal diseases - diseases of pilgrims - eye tumors - Hol - corneal disease processes.
Attended the conference six Chinese experts in the framework of activating the cooperation agreement that was signed last September between the eyes Center and Zhongshan for the eyes at the University of Sun Yat-age in China and are Professor Azhinj Yu and Professor Gwen Zheng and Professor and Professor Segang van and Professor Lin Lu and Professor Mengjiksing U Professor Iozaho Shin.
Experts from various Indian universities also participated They Professor Jitendra Jithany and Rajvardhan Azad, Professor and Professor Ashok Kumar Grove and Professor and Professor Ramamurthy de Najendra Prasad and Professor Abhishek Onad.
And presented to the conference 57 papers by 12 paper presented by Chinese experts and the same number given by Indian experts in addition to the 33 and the paper presented by Egyptian experts.
He d. Tharwat kissed his pleasure to attend a number of Egyptian experts, Chinese and Indians of the conference as well as the younger generation of doctors Ophthalmology conference and wished success in achieving its objectives.
He stressed Prof. Just Allaih that the Congress strategy based on both the push young doctors for the first ranks to carry the banner of Ophthalmology and the opening of a joint channels between the Egyptian universities and international universities, especially India and China for cooperation in the field of scientific research and development laboratories and the exchange of experiences in the field of ophthalmology.
He pointed D / Saeed Abdel Hady nobility of India, China and global supremacy in the medical field, stressing the need for students, faculty and experiences between them and the Egyptian universities sharing in the medical field, especially since the Egyptian capital of Mansoura medicine.
He commended Prof. Dr. / Ashraf Sweilem to organize the conference and the success of those who support it in the collection of this constellation of experts in the field of ophthalmology, hoping to get out the recommendations of the conference the evolution of this area and keep pace with sub-disciplines of modern requirements emanating from it.