Mansoura University School of Medicine involved leading university, "Egypt's youth initiative hope of Egypt"

Mansoura University participates flagship university "Egypt's youth initiative hope of Egypt"
A participated. Dr. Nasreen Salah Omar and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Mansoura University for Community Service and Environmental Development, nominated by the President of Mansoura University, Dr. Mohammad Hassan Kenawy in the workshop for the first phase of the initiative's leading university and that the National Center for residents in conjunction with UNICEF
Lectured in the workshop of Dr. Maysa Shawky Deputy Minister of Health and the population-a Dr. Tarek Tawfik National Population Council decision Dr. Shaima brilliant executive director of the initiative
With the aim of raising awareness of the health and societal health problems inside and outside the university in collaboration by university students to improve the characteristics of the population in order to reach the high rates of human development achieved cohesive society and regional leadership
It will begin activating the initiative under the auspices of. Dr. Ashraf Abdel Basset, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs next week to train the number of 100 students from the faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing under the supervision of Department of Public Health and Community Medicine and coordinators initiative of college students to begin the deployment of health education among university students to December 2017
 The workshop was attended by Hoda Abdel-Rahman, director general of cultural activity Mmthila youth sector take care of the university and director of the National Center branch of the residents of the governorate, Amani Alameddine to participate in the activity outside the university