Medical convoy School of Medicine Mansoura against circumcision Nabarouh

Based on the social responsibility of the university Maossat, fielded all of the affairs of the community sector and the development of environmental medicine and the Committee of Mansoura medical support pediatric Mansoura service in cooperation with the peer education network Egyptian medical convoy to drain the village of center Nabarouh Dakahlia Governorate against female genital mutilation
Under the patronage of Dr. Mohamed Hassan Kenawy President of Mansoura University
She emphasized Prof. Dr. Nasreen Salah Omar agent Medicine Mansoura for Community Service and Environmental Development that the convoy aims to educate people of the village Darin dangers of female circumcision of medical and psychological point of view and correct the associated catching Egyptian families on female genital mutilation misconceptions
It included a convoy of both Prof. Dr. Nasreen Salah Omar agent Medicine Mansoura Sean Community Service and Environmental Development - Dr. Iman Shalaby Attorney women, Department of Obstetrics Hospital Mansoura University - Dr. Sarah Syed MP psychiatric hospital Mansoura University Department in addition to a number of medical students Mansoura.
During the campaign meetings raise awareness of the dangers of female genital mutilation each of: the unity of family medicine in the village of Darien through the presence of tens of following women who are brought unity to vaccinate their children against polio, and Secondary School Darin commercial joint where has interviewed a number of administrators in school and make them aware.
She Dr. Iman Shalaby Attorney, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Mansoura University during encounters awareness to the dangers of female circumcision is medically proven that circumcision is possible that bleeding is happening leads to death because to contain the part that is removed from the body when the circumcision on the amount of the halo of blood, but and it extends the negative impact of the lack of sexual gratification of the girl after marriage than my hands to sexual sense of apathy, which could cause a divorce because the part that is being removed from the body of the girl is responsible for the sexual gratification is complete.
Stressed Dr Sarah Syed Attorney, Department of the psychiatric hospital, the university on the importance of each member in the body and this Maintbak the part that remains of the body of the girls, which contains nerve endings and supply a bloody big, causing severe pain for females during the circumcision and beyond, in addition to the fact that circumcision traumatic process for girls that do not Most of them is aware of the body's functions and Ataatardhan his young age, causing Hdot disorders and psychological problems necessitate recourse to a doctor without psychological stress that overlook the inability of medicine to cure the error that occurs after circumcision because of the sensitivity of the body part removed during circumcision.
At the end of the meeting, doctors convoy two pool listed campaign on the lack of a relationship between female genital mutilation and chaste and not Anhrafhn confirmed pampered on the existence girls characterless have been subjected to genital mutilation in addition to the correlation deviation Ballowazaa moral and religious and non-association with any member of the reproductive system of women.