Study aspects of cooperation between Mansoura University and the Arab Council for Medical Sciences to grant the Arab Board

Received a D / Mohammed Ashraf Sweilem Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research of the Arab Council for Medical Sciences delegation to discuss ways of cooperation between the university and the Arab Council for Accreditation of hospitals and medical centers at Mansoura University training centers accredited Arab Fellowship
The delegation D / Mohammed Hadi Secretary General of the Arab Board includes, D / Nabil al-Qurashi Chairman of the Training Committee of the Arab Balbord, D / Mounir Mansour, Director of the Arab Board office in Cairo, a / Ahmad Ezzat coordinator acts of Arab Board in Cairo and in the presence of both
D / Saeed Abdul Hadi, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and gentlemen managers and medical centers Alospbat Mansoura University and some of the gentlemen Heads of Departments of Clinical Faculty of Medicine and Prof. Dr. / Mohammad Reza Bassiouni coordinator Agreement
Since the Arab Council for Medical Sciences runs a training program in medical specialties end the Arab Fellowship testimony in several medical specialties, a Vocational recognized locally, regionally and internationally for more than 40 years, and also marketing hospitals and medical centers locally, regionally and internationally