Registration Requirements

Some miscellaneous events

Suspension of registration or enrollment:

  • Department Council decision stating the reasons for suspending registration and the time period and stamped with the department seal
    - Proof of leave from the student's employer
    - Application submitted by the student stamped with the department seal

Cancellation of enrollment suspension:

  • - Department Council decision stamped by the department
  • Application submitted by the student to cancel the suspension

Extension of registration:

Department Council decision specifying the extension period and reason for the extension and stamped with the department seal

Extension of registration:

Department Council decision specifying the extension period and reason for the extension and stamped with the department seal
Supervisors' completion of the cumulative annual report

Amendment of the thesis title:

Department Council decision on the old title of the thesis and the new title of the thesis and the reason for the amendment and stamped with the department seal.
Scientific Research Ethics Committee on the new title
Similarity check statement for the new thesis title
A statement of depositing the thesis outline for the new title
Amendment of the supervisory committee:
Department Council decision stating the current supervisory committee and the new supervisory committee and the reason for the amendment and stamped with the department seal.
Approval of the main supervisor.

Amendment of the Judging Committee and Renewal of the Judging Committee:
The decision of the Department Council shall state the reason for the amendment or renewal and shall be stamped with the department seal.

Cancellation of registration or enrollment:

Three warnings shall be sent to the physician within a period of 15 days before the issuance of the decision of the Department Council.
The decision of the Department Council shall be stamped with the department seal and shall state the reasons for the cancellation.
In the event that the physician requests to cancel his registration for himself, the physician’s request for cancellation shall be submitted, including the reasons for the cancellation.

Extracting certificates

For registered students:

  • A registration certificate is extracted
  • A certificate of the courses passed by the student is extracted
  • A certificate of registration stating the title of the thesis and the supervision committee
  • Extracting the certificate requires a personal photo and payment of 72 pounds for each certificate

For holders of scientific degrees:

A graduation certificate is extracted
A certificate of the courses and their accredited hours is extracted
A certificate of academic record is extracted stating the date of registration, date of obtaining the first part, date of registration, date of obtaining the second part, date of discussion, date of grant)
Extracting the certificate requires a personal photo and payment of 72 pounds for each certificate
Delivery of a cardboard certificate: The cost of a master's degree is 252 pounds, while the doctorate degree is 302 pounds
A supervision statement is extracted for faculty members


Preparing and following up on the progress of research projects funded by the university in the university's research fund
Preparing and equipping the scientific publication incentive award for faculty members in the college
Following up on research plans for scientific departments in the college
Following up on state appreciation awards and university awards for each year

Diplomas Professional

Registration has been approved for a number of professional diplomas, namely:

Professional Diploma in Infection Control
Professional Diploma in Clinical Nutrition
Professional Diploma in Pediatric Nephrology
Professional Diploma in Clinical Physiology of the Nervous System
Professional Diploma in Pediatric Liver and Digestive System
Professional Diploma in Cochlear Implantation
Professional Diploma in Retina Medicine
Professional Diploma in Bone Marrow Transplantation
Professional Diploma in Cerebrovascular Diseases and Stroke
Fees are paid electronically through Fawry or Visa
Communicate with doctors through Ibn Al-Haytham system via e-mail